Learn Self-Defense

Everyone Deserves Protection

My goal together with you - to prepare you mentally and physically to deal with danger. Learn skills and mindsets that will help you feel safe and empowered in both your personal and professional life. Violence affects us all, but together we can become smarter and stronger.

Trainer für Selbstverteidigung Martin lächelnd, trägt ein blaues Shirt mit dem Logo von Critical Response vor transparentem Hintergrund

Violence is a fundamental part of life.
You also want...

Live a happy life

Confidence makes you a bad target. At the same time, it increases your joy in life. Discover your strength. Become resilient.

Being strong in conflict

Strong in conflict. Whether at work or out of necessity, sometimes you have to face danger. Prepare yourself now.

Becoming safe in everyday life

Whether on the train or in a bar, you want to avoid trouble and to do that, you must learn to deal with violence.

Be smart. Learn now what you’ll need in an emergency. The first step is yours.

From violence

Your workshop for...

Recognize and avoid. Understand aggression. Conflict communication and escape. Personal safety. For civilians in everyday life and professionals dealing with angry people.

Only violence stops violence. Some people need to be stopped. Control or incapacitate. Effective use of force. For professionals and people in danger.

Violence isn’t just about fighting. Relationships and situations involve power dynamics and abuse. Bullying. Creeps. Catcalling. Gaslighting. No one is a victim. Set boundaries. Prevent manipulation. For everyone.

About combat

Your workshop for...

How to fight? Striking, kicking, grappling, throwing. With strength, mechanics, and willpower. The body is a weapon. Training, training, training. For martial artists who want self-defense and vice versa.
Ending up in a knife fight means you’ve made very deliberate—or very poor—choices. Not an everyday situation, but fun as a sport. All weapons in respectful duels. For fun and better movement.

On the ground. Against multiple attackers. Or ambushes. In confined spaces. Scenario training—the best simulation of real violence with context and unpredictability. For serious preparation for confrontation. 

About character

Your workshop for...

Everyone experiences violence. It leaves scars, physically and emotionally. Everyone who lives deserves healing. For those who want to talk and realize they are better than they think.
Wanting to help is noble. Being able to help is essential. Intervening in violence. With words and actions. Self-protection comes first. Call for help too. Discrimination and populism are also violence. Political courage. For all helpers and the peaceful majority.
Challenges build resilience. Experience and mastery. Strength. Creativity. Perseverance. Cleverness. Joy. Pride. Strong people are bad targets. Strong people live good lives. For you.
pfeil mit schrift, zeigt auf bildern von erfolgreichen workshops, in englisch

Violence is a big problem.
What’s the best solution for you?

Let’s talk, and we’ll figure it out.

This is Critical Response

Hey, i'm Martin

Since 2020, I have worked intensively with thousands of people from all walks of life, supporting professional groups such as first responders, teachers, caregivers, hospital staff, and security personnel in enhancing their workplace safety. As an independent trainer, I prepare people for violence using my method, Critical Response. Critical Response ist meine Methode.

Years of martial arts training, combined with studies in history and psychology, have given me a comprehensive perspective on violence—not only as a physical phenomenon but also as a psychological, behavioral, and societal issue. The core focus areas for managing dangers—awareness, communication, positioning, combat, and the theoretical background—make the training both effective and realistic.

Critical Response is designed to turn you into a first responder for any dangerous situation. By proactively addressing critical problems, anyone can learn to navigate life with greater strength. Want to learn more about me? Here’s a video.

Hundreds of people have worked with me. Here’s what they say.

Nadine Rybe


Leon Rosenberg

“I have been training with Martin for 2 years in groups and alone. What I find particularly valuable is the psychological component. Action instead of reaction, switching quickly, consciously deciding to 'act' and seeing it through. These are all skills that you can also use in 'normal' life. And of course, training always pushes you to the limit and beyond, but it's also great fun.”

Thomas Titze

“Very good lecturer with a clear structure!”

Silvi Semmel

“I was able to take part in Martin's self-defense course through the VHS - Krav Maga. It's a good course to get to know yourself and your own abilities and to reassess yourself. This is good for your own self-confidence and self-esteem. In addition to the theoretical introduction, in which it is made clear that the use of violence is only and exclusively for self-protection and danger prevention, there were practical exercises and realistic training. Thank you very much for that!”

Johannes Schild

“I have been training Krav Maga with Martin for many years and his unique selling point is his holistic view of the constitution of self-protection. He combines various perspectives in a profound, theoretically sound and heartfelt way, creating an almost perfect synergy that he implements clearly and didactically in a fun way. The best thing is that he also learns from me and others and has the ambition not to stop learning.”

Christiane Glaser

“I booked the course through the VHS. It was very good! I can only recommend it. I'm already looking forward to more courses. Thank you Martin!”

Johanniter Akademie Nord Logo
Fitnessfarbik Logo
Förde VHS Logo
Hamburger Volkshochschule Logo

Join us. Want to become stronger?
Let’s get started.


Learn 24 Hours, 7 Days a Week

You can start training immediately. Join the online program and improve every day. Understand the psychology of violence and learn why people attack others. Practice the basic techniques of fighting and deepen your skills. Become stronger and smarter. Start now.

Martin von Critical Response zeigt Schlagkombination mit Schlagpuppe in einem Tutorial-Video
Martin von Critical Response zeigt Schlagkombination mit Hand an Gesicht eines Gegners in einem Tutorial-Video

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Other partners 

Dozens of organizations are happy and satisfied.

Chin Woo Schule Lübeck Logo
Fight Gym Hamburg Logo
Netzwerk Selbstschutz Logo
Krav Maga Verband DKMV Logo
Hamburger Volkshochschule Logo
Intense Krav Maga Logo
Johanniter Akademie Nord Logo
Fitnessfarbik Logo
Förde VHS Logo

Do you have more questions?
Unsure where to start?

I’m here. Let’s talk.